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Adhesion Verification Unit (AVU)

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The Elcometer AVU has been designed to provide users with the means to confirm the accuracy of their pull-off adhesion gauge.

Due to its robust design the Elcometer AVU is suitable for use on site or in the laboratory and allows users to verify or self-certify their pull-off adhesion gauges.

A range of dolly adaptors are available for testing the Elcometer 106, Elcometer 506 and Elcometer 510 adhesion gauges. Adaptors are also available for testing other manufacturers’ gauges.

Attach the appropriate dolly adaptor to the AVU, connect your adhesion gauge, apply load and compare the adhesion tester value to the reading on the AVU Display.

Features include:

  • Max hold and live reading display
  • MPa / psi switchable units
  • Backlit display
  • Automatic switch off

The Elcometer AVU is supplied with either a test certificate or full calibration certificate, suitable for self-certification.

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