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BG80 Bolt Tension Monitors

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When nuts and bolts are fastened together under load the action of tightening the nut increases the force applied to the bolt causing elongation.

The BG80 range of bolt tension monitors accurately measures this elongation allowing the gauges to accurately measure time (nanoseconds), elongation, load, stress, and %strain of the bolt.

The Elcometer BG80 bolt tension monitor is available in two models: BG80DL and BG80TDL.

By using ultrasonics, bolt tension monitors are not affected by temperature, friction or resistance factors affecting the accuracy of standard torque measurement techniques - giving the BG80 range accuracy within 0.0001mm (0.00001 inch).

Using the gauge's RS232 interface together with the optional shut off accessory the gauge can be programmed to automatically stop the tightening process when the appropriate load has been applied.

BG80 Bolt Tension Monitor


  • Range of display & measurement options including: Elongation, Load, Stress, and %Strain, RF, Rectified, Large Digits with Limits Bar

  • BG80TDL features temperature compensation to counteract measurement irregularity caused by temperature change

  • Data storage capability: 8,000 readings and waveforms

  • Auto Set feature automatically optimizes detection and adjusts display

  • Hi/Lo Alarm tolerance limits work in conjunction with the data port

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bolt tension

How does it work?

As a fastener is tightened it stretches (elongates) in length.

Manual torque wrenches measure the force applied when tightening a fastener, the accuracy can be affected by temperature, friction and resistance.

As BG80 & BG80TDL ultrasonically measures the change in length accurately determining the applied load of a fastener as it is tightened, they are not affected by these factors.

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