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Elcometer 3550 Single Sided & Elcometer 3540 Four Sided Film Applicators

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The Elcometer 3550 Single Sided & Elcometer 3540 Four Sided Film Applicators are easy to clean gauges manufactured to the highest accuracy.

Precision ground stainless steel Single Sided and Four Sided Film Applicators have a flat edged prismatic body making them suitable for coatings applied to a flat and relatively strong substrate.

The Elcometer 3550 Single Sided Film Applicator has 1 film thickness, whereas the Elcometer 3540 Four Sided Film Applicator has 4 thicknesses per applicator.

Both versions are available in a range of film widths and can be used with the Elcometer 4340 Motorised Film Applicator.


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