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The Latest Mk5 Range of Ultrasonic Surface Thickness Gauges

Winner of the Red Dot Award: Product Design 2015 (Click for more details)


The latest range of ultrasonic thickness gauges includes the standard models employing the Multiple-Echo technique to give accurate through coating thickness measurements. And the Plus+ models feature Multiple-Echo, Echo-Echo and Single-Echo measuring modes - a true 3-in-1 thickness gauging equipment providing versatility for a wider spectrum of applications. For further details on the measuring modes, please see the Technology page.

CygLink software is a Windows based program that is used in conjunction with the gauges that have a data logging facility. 

A-Scan and B-Scan displays have been introduced on some models to provide a visualisation of thickness measurements and alternative references.

Click to download the Cygnus MK5 Surface Gauge Range Family Brochure and Cygnus MK5 Surface Range Comparison Guide.

Comparison Guide for MK5 Range of Cygnus Ultrasonic Thickness Gauges

For more Cygnus product information, please click here.

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